Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The burden of stuff

I think it has finally happened. The breaking point. The final realization that we have been conditioned to consume and retain as many things as possible. The realization that it took five hours of work to purchase that one pair of jeans that you don't even wear anymore. The realization that advertisements slap me in the face every which way I turn. No more for me.
It makes more sense to be happy with what you have and to know that in the end, all the material possessions we own don't really make us happy, but quite sick after adding up the total cost of our gluttony. I think many people agree that a cluttered room goes along with a cluttered mind, and that's how I've been living. I've never wanted to fill up as many trash bags with JUNK in my life. I feel like it will parallel the show Hoarders, except I don't have kitty skeletons or 3-month-old pumpkin guts grafted to my carpet.
Not only is consumerism exhausting, it's ignorant. Do you know where more than half your belongings came from? Whose fingers crafted the item you cherished for about a week? More than likely it was a 12-year-old child who was stuck working in a dust-infused cell where no one was overseeing the working conditions. I don't think the ignorance is the most chilling part of it all, I think that the fact that a lot of people now know this goes on but continue not to care.
Anyway, I'll keep you updated with the status of my room. I'll try and take pictures to document the movement.

"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you."
-Lao Tzu

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